Issue printing delivery notes etc from Hermes


The workaround has now been deployed and delivery notes, manifests and other printed items in Hermes should now be working again. Please let us know if you experience any further issues!

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We've identified a short term workaround solution whilst Microsoft are investigating the root cause of the issue. We'll post another status update when service is restored. Thanks for your patience!

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We are still investigating the cause of this issue and it has currently been escalated to Microsoft our hosting provider for further investigation. We'll post further updates here as soon as we hear anything further.

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Status update. Delivery notes in hermes, Customer email order PDFs, Gift Voucher PDF and all other PDF's not currently printing. Our developers are currently working on the issue and we will send an update as soon we have further information. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

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We are currently aware of an issue affecting all stores printing from Hermes. Our developers are currently investigating this and an update will be sent out soon. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Retail
    • Routing
    • Reporting
    • Payments
    • Extranet