Error message on Payment Details screen within Hermes


We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

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We've applied the software update and configuration changes to the Hermes server and believe that this should have resolved the issue.

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We've now hopefully further identified the cause of the issue but it will require a software update to be applied which we are hoping to do this evening (Friday) out of hours.

In the meantime, if you experience the hanging issue after entering payment, it is most likely that the order has been entered correctly. You should be able to close the screen down and find the order in your order listings.

Many thanks for your patience James W

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We've identified a potential workaround for the payment confirmation screen issues on Hermes and are hoping to release a fix this afternoon. We'll keep you posted as to progress.

Thank you for your patience

James W

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A significant number of shops have reported that when placing an order in Hermes, and have entered customer payment details, they are presented with a grey box with a 'sad face' and the message " redirected you too many times".

(It appears that the payment has not go through but it probably has.)

We are looking in to this and have reported the issue to Sagepay. We are very sorry for all the inconvenience caused and will update you as soon as possible.

Digital and Technology Services

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Retail
    • Routing
    • Reporting
    • Payments
    • Extranet